In this month’s Property Surveying Newsletter … we look at unlawful planning advice, discuss the continuing battle for high rise fire safety, and consider how hemp could revolutionise building
The Property Market Monthly Fact File
The property market fact file is a collection of data compiled each month by our Chartered Surveyors and the team, reflecting survey data, statistics, trends and information from the property market. This provides a single place where anyone with an interest in UK property can find the information they need.
Garden village wins legal battle
In a High Court hearing, planning inspectors have been found to have acted unlawfully when advising West Oxfordshire District Council.
Most high rise managers failing fire fighters in South Yorkshire
Legislation was introduced after the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 which required some building managers to provide information to the fire service. However, few building managers have complied with the new requirements.
Planning officer submits “ridiculous” planning application
The chairman of a planning authority has withdrawn his own planning application after being informed it would not be approved.
World’s most expensive problem property … probably
Despite being supported in his application by his neighbours, the owner of a £13.5 million property has not been given permission to rebuild his existing “death trap” home.
Hemp, the building material revolution?
Hemp is a popular material for sustainable clothing, holistic medicine, and various health food products alike – but its revival within the construction industry as “Hempcrete” is a refreshing and optimistic solution – touted as an energy efficient alternative to concrete.
“Newt-counting” planners grant Boris permission to build
Boris Johnson’s applications to make changes to historic Brightwell Manor have been supported – by the very “newt-counting” planners he accused of causing his government to fail its house building targets.
How to repair and maintain laminate floor coverings
Laminate flooring can be a beautiful addition to the home – but it can be prone to a few issues. We look at what to do if your laminate flooring has become a shadow of its former self and how to prevent future problems.
And finally …
House built around lamp post
A housing developer who built a new build property around an existing lamp post has defended his actions after online photos of the property went viral.
Written by Independent Chartered Surveyors
of the UK wide network of Property Professionals
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