The Court of Appeal have provided an important ruling in the case referenced above, in which the appellant applied for protection under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 as homeless and was granted it, without priority status. When appealing the priority aspect, Hackney declared that the appellant was no longer homeless – a decision which she has taken all the way to the Court of Appeal…
Tag: building
The Property Market Monthly Fact File – July 2014
The property market fact file is a collection of data compiled each month by our Chartered Surveyors and the team; collating survey data, statistics, trends and information from the property market. This aims to provide a single place where anyone with an interest in UK property can find the information they need.
A Tale of Two Countries
There has been much publicity over the last month regarding the state of the booming housing market. When closely analysed, however, the housing market itself has seen remarkable internal differences; with mild to modest increases in the vast majority of the country and the affluent South East surging ahead. The differences are sufficiently pronounced almost to suggest a tale of two different countries, rather than different areas within the same economy. What then can be done to rebalance this differential and bring the two halves of a broken country back into a single whole?